Let's Be Friends by Blythe and Calyn Daniel

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:16 NIV

Let's Be Friends Friendship Bracelet

Let’s Be Friends

A Tween Devotional on Finding and Keeping Strong Friendships

Good Friends Make Life Sweeter

Do you wish for that one special, best friend?
Or a circle of friends that you can share fun moments and memories with?
This book is JUST FOR YOU!

God loves you, and He is the best friend you could ever have. He wants you to learn how to be a good friend, and He wants to bring people into your life that will cheer you up and encourage you too!

Inside this fun book, you’ll discover how to make the right kind of friends – ones that love and inspire you rather than bring you down – and learn to be that kind of friend to others.

Once you learn about God’s design for friendship, you’ll be amazed at what He will do in your life through the friends you choose!

Are you ready to say, “Let’s be friends?” Us too!
Your new friends,
Calyn and Blythe

Sissy Goff

“As a therapist who has worked with girls for 30 years, I believe friendships are harder for girls to navigate than they’ve ever been. Girls need good, trusted guides to help them through the world of relationships so they can find their own sturdy voices of kindness and strength with others. Let’s Be Friends does just that. I’m grateful for the truth and wisdom Calyn and Blythe have shared in these pages, and I can’t wait for it to find its way into the hands of girls.”

Sissy Goff, Director of Child and Adolescent Counseling at Daystar Counseling, best-selling author of Raising Worry-Free Girls, and cohost of the Raising Boys and Girls podcast

Authors Blythe and Calyn Daniel

Meet the Authors

Blythe and Calyn Daniel are a mother and daughter who love books and have a mission to strengthen relationships with families and friends.

Blythe is the coauthor of Mended and I Love You, Mom!, which she wrote with her mother, Dr. Helen McIntosh. She worked for Harper Collins Christian Publishing in marketing and publicity, and now enjoys her work as a literary agent. She lives in Colorado with her husband and three teenagers.

Calyn is a middle schooler and loves spending time with her friends and family, including older sister, Maris, and twin brother, William, who is also an author. She is a competitive gymnast and enjoys cooking. Calyn believes girls need to know who they are in Christ, how to navigate friend groups-especially when they change-and how to not lose sight of who God has made them to be.


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Let’s Be Friends Reviews


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"Everyone has their own strengths, and that gives a friend group a strong foundation." ~ Let's Be Friends by Calyn and Blythe Daniel
"You can honor those who are different from you. As you do, you will learn to honor God and notice how He treats His followers and creation." ~ Let's Be Friends by Calyn and Blythe Daniel
"With God's Help, you can find good friends even in hard times." ~ Let's Be Friends by Calyn and Blythe Daniel
"God loves you and is the best friend you could ever have." ~ Let's Be Friends by Calyn and Blythe Daniel
"Friends can help you realize what you care most about or what you don't really care about." ~ Let's Be Friends by Calyn and Blythe Daniel
"If Jesus can forgive sinners, we can forgive our friends." ~ Let's Be Friends by Calyn and Blythe Daniel

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